Friday, November 21, 2008

maintain a balance

A while ago, a person asked who am I. One description I gave is worth writing down.
"I do not like to compete with others, I like to compete against myself." You can tell from my hobbies, I am a golfer, I am a hiker. I have been an underdog through out my life. I take losses with genuine happiness for the winners. My winnings cause minimum pain for the losers. But the ability to create immense amount of pressure to the front runners who can not stand losing is something I enjoy ;-) and I do not want the table turned around on me.
So compete against myself, or exert pressure on others :D


Dazhi said...

that's great for you.

for me, i like to compete with others - a lot. i don't actually like it much when others win – probably something I should work on. I don’t take losses too badly. And I win I don’t cause much pain for others, but I do like it when others find out. I love taking others down, especially when they’re too stuck up (I guess that’s when they’re like me.)

Lan said...

don't see the balance here - seems like all is in your favor, ;-)